
Sherwood Family Medical Center Earns 
2015 National Research Corporation Path to Excellence Award

SHERWOOD, Ark. – Sherwood Family Medical Center, a Baptist Health Affiliate, was recently recognized as a 2015 Path to Excellence Award recipient by the National Research Corporation (NRC).

NRC is the largest healthcare research, patient satisfaction measurement and quality improvement firm in the United States.

NRC selected Sherwood Family Medical Center for the Path to Excellence Award based on its achievement within categories that patients have identified as being most important to the quality of their care. The award is given to organizations that are ranked by patients as being a top performer in one of seven categories. Winners were selected from the extensive database of NRC clients for their performance over the last four quarters.

Sherwood Family Medical Center was selected based on their performance on the Pediatric Clinician and Group Rate Provider question under the Would Recommend Doctor (Pediatric) category. In addition, the clinic had the highest percentage of patients who rated their doctor a 9 or 10 and had a performance at or above an 87 percent positive score.

As a 2015 award recipient, Sherwood Family Medical Center, a Baptist Health Affiliate, is among a select group of healthcare innovators leading the way on the path to patient-centered care.

Baptist Health is the state’s most comprehensive healthcare system. With more than 180 access points, Baptist Health is committed to delivering All Our Best in healthcare to the people of Arkansas. For more information about Baptist Health family practices, call Baptist Health HealthLine at B-A-P-T-I-S-T (227-8478).